Bed Bug Pest Control
Residential & Commercial Bed Bug Heat Extermination
We offer a one-time bed bug treatment, monthly or quarterly services and K-9 follow-up bed bug detection. Rest Easy Heat’s comprehensive bed bug protection is customized to different facilities and businesses. Rest Easy Heat arrives at your location in an unmarked, discrete commercial vehicle. Your privacy is our priority. Our technicians place our equipment in your affected area. As the room is heated to approximately 120-150ºF, all pests including adults, nymphs, and eggs are killed wherever they harbor. They cannot hide from Rest Easy Heat. The dwelling is remotely monitored until all pests are dead. Hotel rooms and apartments can be used immediately. Also, furniture and other items can be used immediately, with nothing required to be discarded. None of your keepsakes and heirlooms are damaged.
The Rest Easy Heat Guarantee
We are so confident that our heat treatment is the most effective option, we include a guarantee! Should you experience bed bugs after our treatment, we will come back and treat again at no additional cost.
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How Do I Know if I Have Bed Bugs?
If you wake up in the morning with tiny, itchy bites on your body there is a chance that you have bed bugs. Although not every bite mark is from bed bugs, you can make a few visual inspections of their most common hiding spaces.
If you see bed bugs on or near your bedding or furniture, or suspect that you have been bitten by a bed bug, you should have your entire home inspected by a qualified professional. If you are unsure of a bed bug presence, we offer trained K-9 bed bug inspections to determine the extent of the infestation.
Did You Know?
Did you know that 1 pregnant bed bug can become an infestation of over 13,000 bed bugs in just 6 months? Up to 70% bed bug infestations go unreported. Contact Rest Easy Heat and have your home checked today!
Common Areas We Service
Typical treatment is only 7-10 hours, at which time you may occupy the dwelling again, without fear of chemical residual.